
The school motto is Saha Nau Yasha – The teacher and the taught both together attain glory and make progress. This has been taken from “Taitriya Upanishad”, 3rd Canto and is a Bramhvakya of great significance. Read together with the following invocation, it’s significance is manifold:

“OM. May He protect us both (the teacher and the pupil). May He cause us both to enjoy (the Supreme). May we both exert together (to discover the true inner meaning of the Scriptures). May our studies be thorough and faithful. We may never misunderstand each other”.

Om Peace be with us from bodily obstacles;
Peace be with us from phenomenal cruelties;
Peace be with us from heavenly wraths.

The ever-shining, never fading, illuminating kindle of learning, the child receives his learning – blessings from the teacher is of great significance in our age old tradition of receiving good education at the feet of the teacher. This first peace-verse gives us an idea of the team-spirit in which the teacher and the taught approached the venture of teaching and learning.

Where there is a respect for the teacher and the child is also eager to learn the learning flourishes and the child is able to attain success.

The Gurugram Public School was started in the year 2001 with a handful of students. Our motto continues to guide the students and the teachers. The school was recognized as a Secondary School in the year 2002 and was upgraded to the Senior Secondary Level in the year 2008. We have successfully sent batches of students at the Secondary and Senior Secondary Level from year 2010 with considerable success. Many of our students have joined prestigious institutions. Our goal continues to be child centric with emphasis on attaining excellence.

R.S. Lugani

Managing Trustee
